Monday, November 7, 2011

Friday Dec 9, 2011 7:30pm Herbal & Aromatherapy Intro presented by Sacred Rose® Organic Herbal Tea at Prism Wellness 420 Lake Ave., St James, NY

Friday Dec 9, 2011 7:30pm
Herbal & Aromatherapy Intro
presented by Sacred Rose® Organic Herbal Tea.

Nourishing the body mind with sacred herbs and aroma is a gift from the enlightened ones and practiced in every spiritual tradition worldwide. Honoring the vital essence of the plant nations is as old as the abundant fruits of paradise, what is new is the Free Introductory evening with Maria Pologeorgis - Sacred Rose® Organic Herbal Tea. Join us Friday, Dec 9, 2011, 7:30pm at Prism Wellness 420 Lake Ave., St. James NY 11780

This experiential intro teaches about the healing properties of essential oils and herbal teas.

Attendees enjoy a delicious herbal tea tasting by Sacred Rose® Organic Herbal Tea while they delight themselves with the experience of aromatherapy. Learn about the vibrational attributes of Sacred Rose® Organic Herbal Tea. Learn how to apply specific oils and their value to the body mind.

These introductory presentations are informative & soothing to body, mind and spirit.

Sacred Rose® USA