Sunday, March 13, 2011

Review: Sacred Rose Matri

Review: Sacred Rose Matri
Alfalfa Tea, Ginger Tea, Herbal Tea, Lemon Tea, Nettle Tea, Rose Tea, Sacred Rose Add comments
Lynn’s Teaview Snapshot
Thumbs up! "Each of their herbal tisanes is blended to have a specific vibrational power, and is accompanied by a short invocation. Whether you believe in all this or not, their products are sustainable, organic, and eco-friendly, which is all to the good. "
Lynn’s Teaview: 9/10
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Sacred Rose has a unique philosophy: “Sacred Rose® Organic Herbal Tea is enthusiastic about raising the vibrational frequency of humanity one cup of tea at a time. Herbs are the living medicine of the Earth. They are effective because of their natural affinity with the energetic and dense human body. Sacred Rose® Organic Herbal Teas stimulate the energy body's innate ability to heal. Each Sacred Rose® blend facilitates an inner alchemy within the matrix of the body mind opening the gateway for a change in consciousness. Sacred Rose® is committed to providing products which sustain our creative life force and our planet. Our herbal tisanes are enjoyed as beverages and also utilized as vibrational remedies.”

Each of their herbal tisanes is blended to have a specific vibrational power, and is accompanied by a short invocation. Whether you believe in all this or not, their products are sustainable, organic, and eco-friendly, which is all to the good.

“Matri” (a registered trademark) comes from the Latin for "mother," mater and appears at the front of words like matriarch. According to the website this blend “breathes women in birth in the most high and loving way. This tea mineralizes the physical body. Metaphysically it activates the frequency of manifestation; concept into fruition assisting those who often procrastinate in life.” I’m long past birthing anyone, but I do procrastinate and so this one appealed to me. A little mineralizing probably wouldn’t hurt, either.

The Matri tisane is crafted from nettles, red raspberry, rose hips, alfalfa, dandelion, lemon & ginger. If I remember my herb lore correctly, nettles and dandelion are often used to purify, and red raspberry is used to help with various women’s reproductive system issues. It’s an interesting-looking mix, with lots of alfalfa, which looks like dry grass, rose petals, and even a few rose buds. I didn’t see any rose hips, and wonder if that was a misprint? It had a strong sweet aroma composed of powerful notes of rose, with a citrus and ginger background.

I steeped a generous teaspoonful in 8 oz. of 208F water for 4 minutes in my favorite hand-thrown porcelain cup. The liquor was a medium yellow and softly redolent of lemon, rose, and ginger. The flavor was, smooth and mouth filling, and naturally sweet. (I wouldn’t even add honey to this.) As it rolled over my tongue I tasted rose, lemon, ginger, and an underlying herbiness that must have been the mélange of the remaining ingredients. Altogether it was quite delicious and left my tongue tingling a little. Whether that was the ginger or its vibrational power, I can’t say, but it was nice. I’ve very picky about herbal tisanes, but this one is delicious!

I tried a second 4 minute infusion. The aroma was still strong, and a bit more lemony this time. The flavor was not quite as strong, but still nicely complex with rose leading the way and a gingery finish.

Whether or not you subscribe to the metaphysical claims for this tisane, it is undeniably delicious! Now if it will just help with my procrastination. Highly recommended!

— To purchase Sacred Rose Matri, or for more specific information on ingredients or the story behind this particular blend, click here to go directly to the manufacturer's web site.
Teaviews Member: Lynn Lynn Reviewer
» Read more about this reviewer on Lynn's profile page.

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