Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Tea & Tat’s


Sacred Rose® Herbal Tea Leaf Readings

Combining the ancient art of tea leaf reading & the benefits of herbal infusions,   Sacred Rose® Organic Herbal Tea & All Star Ink invite you to a day of tea tasting, tea leaf readings ,  self-revelation  and tattoo adornment on Thursday, November 21, 2013 at All Star Ink 458 County Road 46  Shirley, NY 11967
 Maria Pologeorgis of Sacred Rose® Organic Herbal Tea will be reading by appointment.                         ($40 Per Reading). (Tattoo’s Priced Accordingly) Come in, think your ink, get your tat, sip herbal tea and learn what insights the herbs have to tell you about yourself. Call Sacred Rose® Organic Herbal Tea for more info 631.404-5251  or All Star Ink 631 657-6291