Monday, April 30, 2012

Enter to win Matri® Tea for Mother's Day

Enter to win Matri® - Sacred Rose® Organic Herbal Tea


  1. I would love to try the Inner Peace tea! I entered the giveaway on Mary's blog, thank you!

  2. Hi Priscilla:
    Inner Peace® Tea is a general calming tonic, great for stomach ailments too. Good Luck!!

  3. I'd like to try the Clearing Tea. Thank you for the opportunity!

    1. Hi Renifie:
      Clearing Tea® is our most popular blend. It is an anti-stress tea, people love it! Thanks for entering and good luck...

      Clearing Tea® - a robust blend of black walnut bark, taheebo, spearmint, sage and rose hips designed to assist in purging stress and uprooting trauma. Clearing Tea® is a highly effective anti-parasitic agent working to cleanse the physical and emotional body of toxic debris. On the physical level it detoxifies the colon. As a metaphysical cathartic agent it clears the body mind of unwanted thoughts and old embedded limiting belief systems.

  4. I'd love to try the Beloved Tea! I've never tasted tea with jasmine in it and it's one of my favorite scents. Thank you for sponsoring the giveaway on Mary's Cup of Tea!

  5. Hello Black Asphodel:
    Beloved®: Tea of the Twin Souls is a high vibrational tea, on a physical level it supports the heart and metaphysically it unifies. Thank you for posting and good luck.

    Sacred Rose® Organic Herbal Tea - Beloved® a consummate alchemy aphrodisiac of damiana leaf, jasmine, hibiscus, hawthorn, pomegranate and wild cherry bark, blended under the Law of Resonance of the One Sacred Heart of the Creational Flame. Activates the vibration of being loved, Beloved®.
